What you’ll learn: This activity is a great way to teach your kid about the power of magnets and other ‘invisible’ forces.
What you need:
- A piece of paper
A paper clip
- Thread
- Scissors
- A magnet
- Tape
What to do:
- Cut a kite shape out of the paper (roughly 3 inches long)
- Decorate your kite with a drawing!
- Attach a paper clip to the top corner of the kite
- Tape a piece of thread about 8 inches long to the opposite corner of the kite
- Tape the other end of the thread to a flat surface, such as a table
- Use a strong magnet to pick up the paper clip and extend the string to its full length
- Holding the kite between your fingers, move the magnet away from the paper clip
- Let go of the kite and watch it fly!
After your rainy day kites have flown:
- Discuss the power of magnets. What is a ‘magnetic field’? What sort of objects are magnets attached to? Do magnets have to directly be touching an object to have an effect on it?