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Materials Science & Engineering

How can you make new materials that are stronger, better for the environment or more effective at fulfilling a particular function? Materials science studies how the microscopic properties and structure of a material relates to its macroscopic properties and performance. How can you improve existing materials, from the rubber on your shoes, to the dishes you eat off, to the materials in space shuttles? And how can you make things smaller but functional, like in nanotechnology? Materials science is everywhere!

If you want to know more about what materials science is all about, visit Strange Matters. Make sure to try the simple steps to bake ice cream in your oven! Delicious!

Recommended highschool courses:
  • Biology
  • Chemistry


Through outreach and professional development activities, research, partnerships, thought leadership and online initiatives, we work with industry and academia to educate on the value of diversity for innovation, to inspire women to thrive and to celebrate the contributions of women in science and engineering.
For Inquiries :
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