What you’ll learn: This activity is a great way to teach your child about concepts such as thrust and energy. It can also serve as a fun introduction to the world of aeronautics and rocketry.
What you need:
- A balloon (longer ones work better, but round ones work too)
A long piece of kite string (10 – 15 ft.)
- A plastic straw
- Clear tape
What to do:
- Tie one end of the string to a chair or door knob
- Put the other end of the string through the straw
- Pull the string tight and then tie the other end to another support (preferably at the same height as, or slightly lower than, the other end of the string)
- Blow up the balloon. Don’t tie the end, but pinch it closed.
- Tape the balloon to the straw (keep the end pinched closed, make sure the tape isn’t blocking where the air will be coming out of the balloon)
- Let go and watch your rocket fly!
After your rocket has launched:
- Discuss why the rocket moved. Introduce the concept of thrust (as the air leaves the balloon, it creates a forward motion called thrust, which is a pushing force created by energy).
- Discuss how this is similar to real rockets (which also use downward thrust to go upward)