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Shanta R. Nathwani

Shanta's Biography

I am an IT and Web Design & Development Consultant as well as an Instructor in Web Design and Capstone Project at Sheridan College.

I hold a Certificate in Business Management and a Bachelors of Commerce Degree from Ryerson University in Information Technology Management and am a Microsoft Certified Professional. I am currently in the application stages for my Masters Degree. Some of my volunteer activities include being the Alumni Advisor for the Women In Information Technology Management program at Ryerson University, Founder of Women In Technology Hamilton and Assistant Instructor at the Canadian Martial Arts Centre.

Senior manager, System Integration Team, at Wind River, Kanata Ontario.

Instructor, CCIT Program, Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario.

I teach Web Design and the Capstone Course at Sheridan College as part of the CCIT program, joint with the University of Toronto at Mississauga. I’m also the co-founder of Web Weapons, an agency that deals with Web Design & Development, Business Intelligence and Educational Training.

At Sheridan, we try to prepare our students for jobs that don’t exist yet, and problems that may not necessarily be ones that they started. Much of what we do is help them problem solve using technological solutions, including using open source projects.

In teaching, I get the unique opportunity to see the “A ha!” or Eureka moment on people’s faces. The Japanese call it “Satori” or “Moment of Enlightenment”. There’s nothing like teaching something that someone can use to create and communicate. I get to do that with code and web design every day.

I am applying for my Master’s Degree in hopes to land a full time position as an Instructor, preferably in the program in which I’m already teaching.

I would have done better in high school. As for my career, nothing. I believe that I have taken the path for which I was intended in the direction and pace that I needed to go, otherwise, I would not be the same person I am today. And I like the way I grew me.





Through outreach and professional development activities, research, partnerships, thought leadership and online initiatives, we work with industry and academia to educate on the value of diversity for innovation, to inspire women to thrive and to celebrate the contributions of women in science and engineering.
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