

Saturday May 02

May 2, 2022


CWSE-ON has a history of partnering with researchers and other campus organizations (WiSE, CISters)  to provide training on Science, Engineering and Technology topics for Girl Guide & Pathfinders club members from across the region.

This year, local Girl Guides will be invited to the U of Guelph campus on Saturday, May 2, 2022 to complete their "Body Works" badge, where they will learn about many amazing features of the human body, how it works, and how science, engineering and math are involved with keeping us healthy!  It will be a great chance to check out specialized university equipment and meet with faculty members and students!

Files for Unit Leaders & Parents:

            * Each student must complete a Parental Permission form to attend


Last year's Pathfinders' Day involved students achieving a "Computer Whiz" badge after learning about websites, computer graphics software, computer applications for people with special needs, and programming skills.


Contact Bethany Deyell if you are interested in arranging a badge day for your troop.


Watch for more details about upcoming Girl Guide Badge Day: May 2, 2009! 
